..........This is my story..........

Tyrone taken may 1998My name is Tyrone (the majority of the time I'm called the BRAT) and this is my story.... I came to my humans about six years ago. I was 8 weeks old. I come from a very large family. My humans seem to be amazed at what I can do. All I know is that I have trained them to do a lot of tricks. When I was just a little kitten, I noticed that they (my humans) played something out in the yard, They would throw U-shaped things at a stick (Horse-shoes), and they would be walking back and forth, Well I got tired of following them so I would lay in the middle of the sticks. This is when I found out every time I would do that I would be picked up and carried. From then on you can guess what I did. I also have them trained if I stand by the door and meow they get up and open the door. And if I meow when I'm outside they open theTyrone taken june 1998 door back up and I come in. I can play that game for hours......(I'm under house arrest for now) They have this thing they keep my food in, I will sit and meow at it, and they come over and shake it and food comes out. (Don't let them know but when their not home I can make the food come out myself). My favorite thing to is hide behind the door and attack the dogs as they walk by. (and watch out when cat-nip is involved) The big one, they call him Smokey, he is my favorite one to attack. Albert is kind of old so I only attack her when their is nothing else to do. I get along with all the animals. I will even share their water with them (If I'm in the mood.)But my all time favorite thing to do is sleep, TyroneI sleep wherever I want, with the dogs, and Yes I steal the blankets from them, unless its cold, I share it. I also sleep in the bed, or on the couch, grocery bags, laundry baskets (only clean clothes), computer chair, or in the window. I'm one of those cats that gives hugs and kisses. I have a really good life here. I get regular check ups, and If I do get sick-one word of advice, don't play with mice you catch outside, they make you real sick! That is why I'm under house arrest I know that it's only a myth that cats have nine lives, but I only have seven left. When I'm sick I get put in this thing with wheels and we go to a doctor. I don't really enjoy the ride, But then I figured it out, I always feel better after the ride. They had me neutered so I will not have a family the size of the one I came from.(plus the marking of the territory, you know what I mean...so that will be all that is said about that subject) They only have my best interest at heart. They have a lot of patience with me and show me a lot of love.Tyrone taken June 11 1999 This is for cats only..... This is just a little trick that I want to pass on, walk up to your humans and give a pitiful Moeeeeeeeeeow and they will pick you up and say what's wrong while they are petting you. You'll have them eating out of the palm of your paw. 8rjl9-w0jpo, Whoops, This is the only thing that I have not mastered yet. I know if I stand on those buttons, letters pop up, I just don't know how to spell yet. I guess I don't really need to learn, I have them trained to do that for me to. Oct 1998

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